NEW ~ Sleepy Fairies © by Sonya Haramis ~ new relaxing ambient song, is now live on all major streaming platforms!
Sleepy Fairies, Sonya Haramis’ new relaxing ambient song, is now available on all major streaming platforms, including Pandora, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, One World Music Radio, New Age Notes Radio, Facebook, Deezer, Tidal and others around the world.
Distributed through CD Baby and registered with BMI. For sync and licensing of music contact Sonya Haramis.
Listen and escape to the garden!
Thank you One World Music Radio, and Steve and Chrissie Sheppard for honoring Sleepy Fairies as the Winner of the Steve Sheppard Award Best Single for December 2024. I’m honored and delighted:
Thank you New Age Notes Radio Music Awards, Dyan Garris, and the judges for including my single Sleepy Fairies in the award nominations! I’m honored and delighted:
“…a delightful sonic tapestry of angelic tones…” – Aeoliah
“From the very first note of this brand new single from Sonya Haramis called Sleepy Fairies I fell in love with it. There is just something about it that I cannot help but adore; perhaps it is the simplicity of tone and construction, perhaps it’s the lullaby styled energy, regardless this is a new age release that will flutter by in the night time perambulations of many eager listener with ease.
I am minded of a release many years back (2003) by Llewellyn called Journey to the Faeries, this specific piece has a similar mood and construction, the light padded keyboards, the sweeping but delicate synths, this is indeed one of those singles that will become utterly addictive after hearing just one simple listen.
The essence of a truly good new age composition is creating music on a subject matter that truly says what it does on the can, then hooks the listener in, and soothes the furrowed brow of the musical observer in question, Haramis does this so beautifully on this uncomplicated, but intricate offering.
As we pull inexorably towards the end of 2024 creations like Sleepy Fairies by Sonya Haramis will linger long in the mind, and perhaps even flutter by into the musical thoughts of 2025 too, regardless I personally rate this wonderfully attractive and light hearted reverie, and I have a feeling you will too, this one has chart hit written all over it.” – Steve Sheppard, One World Music Radio / Steve Sheppard Music Reviews
One World Music Radio – Mini Playlist #415 Sponsored by Fred Grenot
Grateful to Steve and Chrissie Sheppard for including Sleepy Fairies in Mini Playlist #415 Sponsored by Fred Grenot on One World Music Radio!
Collaborative Cuts: Holiday Playlist 2024 ~ on Pandora
Super thankful to the wonderful team at for including Sleepy Fairies and Starlight ~ in this terrific playlist! PandoraAmp
NEW – Sleepy Fairies © Music Video – enjoy and share!
Thank you New Age Notes Radio Music Awards, Dyan Garris, and the judges for including my single Dawn in the award nominations! I’m truly honored, delighted, and grateful.
One World Music Radio – New Age Radio Show #22 and Playlist #601
Grateful to Steve and Chrissie Sheppard for including Dawn in their wonderful New Age Radio Show #22 and Playlist #601 Sponsored by Fred Grenot on One World Music Radio!
New Age Notes Radio – New Age Notes Show with KUOS 92.1 FM
Very thankful to Dyan Garris and New Age Notes Radio for including Dawn on their special weekend New Age Notes Show with KUOS 92.1 FM Sedona (Cindy Paulos) this weekend, December 9-10, 2023, 10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern.
NEW – Dawn ©, new relaxing ambient song, is now live on all major streaming platforms!
“No matter how long the night, the dawn always comes. Look for the light and hold on until it arrives.” © Sonya Haramis
Click here to listen to free audio clip and order!
Dawn, Sonya Haramis’ new relaxing ambient song, is now available on all major streaming platforms, including Pandora, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, One World Music Radio, Facebook, Deezer, Tidal and others around the world.
Distributed through CD Baby and registered with BMI. For sync and licensing of music contact Sonya Haramis.
“Spiritual and deeply resonant Dawn, Sonya Haramis’ new single is perfect for sinking into, absorbing the slow and yet soothing sounds of piano and electronic melodies that herald in the dawn; the dawn of a new day, brooding, peaceful, undecided and full of possibilities; the dawn of a new era, a new year, filled with hope, the deeper shades giving way to lighter days, brighter mornings, fresh new beginnings.
Well known as a spiritual story teller, Sonya Haramis has converted this skill into telling a story through ambient music which allows each story dreamed to be unique, personal and divine. Dawn will allow you to dream, to relax, to be peaceful and reset the body, mind and soul for another year full of hope and promises.” – Janet Mawdesley, Bluewolf Reviews
“Creating songs about the Dawn is more than just sitting down at the keyboard; here Sonya has clearly sat in the early hours of a morning and said to herself, I must create a song about this beautiful time of day, when nature rules and mankind is still in its late slumbers of regeneration.
From that point, we sit, we listen, we smell the dawn, we immerse ourselves in it, we enjoy the moment no matter how fleeting, then we are ready to compose. Haramis has allowed her early morning muse to manufacture something quite honest and real, the flowing synth pads add weight to the bird sound and stillness that abounds within this arrangement…
… this is a most enjoyable offering from Sonya, one that has a truly attractive melody, and one that lightens ones spirits, before the haze of modern day living drops onto the lands of peace and tranquillity we have just had the pleasure of enjoying. I can see this one becoming a bit of a hit in the charts and on Atmospheric music shows and playlists.” – Steve Sheppard, One World Music Radio / Steve Sheppard Music Reviews
“Are you familiar with this famous Charles Dickens quote: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us. . .?” This ancient wisdom, I believe, sums up the point and the ambiance of the new single from Sonya Haramis, “Dawn.”
Sonya describes herself as a (musical and literary), “storyteller who weaves ancient wisdom into modern stories.” She also says, “No matter how long the night, the dawn always comes. Look for the light and hold on until it arrives.” That is some uplifting advice and the lovely, heart-felt inspiration for this single, which refers not only to the obvious “night turning into day,” but even more to the “darkness” that humanity may feel many times and the inevitably emerging light that brings optimism, hope, and miracles to the planet. It is the “dawn.”
“Dawn” is a relaxing, ambient song done in a traditional “New Age” style with synth pads, bells, and soft nature and bird sounds woven into the mix. One can feel the inherent peace and can imagine the soft light finally dawning after any very dark night. The pretty cover reminds us there is always a shining, glowing light up there somewhere.
You will love this song very much if you like classic New Age music. This is very peaceful, soft, and soothing to the soul and can be used for relaxation, meditation, healing modalities, massage, and just plain zoning out.” – New Age CD and New Age Notes Radio Staff
Thank you New Age Notes Radio Music Awards, Dyan Garris, and the judges for including my album Return of the Soul and my single StarLight in the award nominations! I’m delighted, grateful, and deeply honored.
NEW – StarLight © – Christmas Holiday song is now live on all major streaming platforms!
StarLight, a new Christmas Holiday song inspired by the love, hope and peace this season brings, is now available on all major streaming platforms, including Pandora, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, Facebook, Deezer, Tidal and others around the world! It’s a soothing instrumental with the happy sound of bells—joyful for adults and children.
Enjoy this beautiful playlist from One World Music Radio – Christmas Playlist 2022 #1. Giving gratitude that StarLight is included (at 44:59) with such beautiful songs and artists on such a wonderful station.
Sonya always loved Christmas and Holiday songs and was inspired to write StarLight (and design the artwork) to echo the power, grace and stillness the Star of Bethlehem must have inspired that night. She would love for listeners to feel that same stillness and peace when listening to StarLight and when looking at the artwork.
REVIEWS “It is nice to listen to a piece of music that is clearly meant for the festive season, one that is not yet another version of a well-known carol. Sonya Haramis and her brand new single Starlight is a delicate composition, the bells really do ring out on this, a piece that has the feel of a music box lullaby to it. Starlight by Sonya Haramis is a simple, stylish release, full of simplistic beauty that is not easy to create; the repeating motifs give it an almost mesmeric quality that you just want to listen to again and again. I am sure this will be very well received and one that should do well in the charts too.” – Chrissie Sheppard, One World Music Radio / Steve Sheppard Music Reviews
Starlight is a lovely, tinkling little single especially created for Christmas by Sonya Haramis. The sound of bells carefully tapped, backed with a melodious drone has what could be considered as a sense of clarity and stillness embedded throughout the short piece. Various little moments tantalise the mind, hinting of a melody of Christmas tunes well beloved, but never actually forming into a complete tune, which is in so many ways charming. Different and reminding one of the many layers of Christmas, Starlight reaches out through the medium of music to create, bind together, gather memories, deliver enchantment and offer peaceful, joyful moments. Haramis has captured a little or a lot of Christmas in this elegant composition which will truly delight. – Janet Mawdesley, Bluewolf Reviews
NEW – Return of the Soul © Album
Return of the Soul, Sonya Haramis’ debut album of beautiful New Age music, is now available on all major streaming platforms, including Pandora, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, Facebook, Deezer, Tidal and others around the world. Distributed through CD Baby and registered with BMI. For sync and licensing of music contact Sonya Haramis.
Every piece of this creation — including the exquisite rose who gifted us with her presence for the album cover, and the love poured into this music — is meant as a source of joy for all of us.
Remember who you are. Remember where you came from. Return of the Soul.
The Global Music Awards honored Return of the Soul, the debut album of New Age music by Sonya Haramis, M.Ed., as a Bronze Medal Winner!
According to the Global Music Awards, they are “… a top-tier international music competition that honors talented musicians around the world. It is a showcase for musical gems and unique voices. Global Music Awards is the music industry’s golden seal of approval, a stamp of credibility for gifted musicians.”
We are delighted and grateful to be included with such an incredible group of talented artists from around the world, and to be honored and supported by such a wonderful award. Thank you Global Music Awards so much and congratulations to all honorees!
Return of the Soul, the debut album of New Age Music from award-winning author Sonya Haramis, M.Ed., placed in the Top Ten on the New Age Notes Radio Music Chart for September 2022.
New Age Notes Radio station features New Age music from the “best New Age artists on the planet.” Enjoy this free station and listen to healing music to relax, release stress, and feel tranquil, comfort and peace.
Please support this beautiful radio station, award-winning musician Dyan Garris, owner of New Age Notes Radio, a Live365 New Age radio station, and the wonderful artists on it!
“Sonya’s music carries a promise of a new budding talent with soothing and relaxing soundscapes.” – Aeoliah
“The title track Return of the Soul begins with warm waves of sound that roll along producing a solid foundation. A pulsating track appears to give the music body. The buoyant tempo is like a rapid heartbeat. This tune starts the mesmerization of the listener…Haramis’ music floats along taking you with it on a calm sea of sound…a very ethereal motif allows for quiet contemplation as the waves wash over you …The harp-like tones produced a peaceful, calm atmosphere and had the innocence of a child’s dream….With what sounds like a little chickadee on her shoulder, Haramis renders the tune as if standing in a clearing inside a forest and just lets the clouds waltz for her. Her music comes from within and is translated into musical notes.”
– RJ Lannan, Artisan Music Reviews
“…a rose signifies many different things. Here, in Sonya Haramis’ debut New Age album, it is about a blossoming, an awakening, an opening, and a return to yourself and to oneness. How beautiful then, for album art to be as gorgeous as is this music…all very soothing and serene and all done on a lovely synth. I would call it “classic / traditional New Age.” … “Celestial Light Body” … Tranquility abounds in this traditional “New Age” piece which feels very peaceful and full of light. “Celestial Divine Mind” is a continuation of the peaceful calm that one can literally feel seeping deeply into their soul. This one brings you into a state of harmony and oneness right from the start. We can feel the expansion and “blossoming” as well. Very nicely done. Angelic in tone and feel, with pretty nature sounds throughout, “Celestial Winged Spirit” brings us effortlessly into alignment with the higher realms…The very soft rain and bird sounds in “Raining Feather” continue to ease and coax the soul into a state of lovely bliss and create a space for comfort and healing. “Dancing Clouds” is a lovely, peaceful continuation of this where one can just completely relax… “Radiant Pulse,” which with its underlying heartbeat rhythm and soft, sweet synth, succeeds in bringing us full circle back to the oneness that we are. Brimming with love, you will want to get the whole thing for the full relaxation experience, not just one song.” – Dyan Garris, EP Review by New Age CD and New Age Notes Radio Staff
“…a serene collection of angelic instrumental music…Eloquent, meditative, placid, peaceful, restful, Return of the Soul is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, community, college, and university library Contemporary Ambient CD Music collections.”
-Midwest Book Review